Accueil /   Toutes les formations /  Interplay between the echr and the eu charter of fundamental rights
Date de la mise en ligne: 14/09/2023
  Interplay between the echr and the eu charter of fundamental rights
6 H 0 € Niveau 0 lorem lorem HELP
Date limite d’inscription : 31/12/2024
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Objectifs de la formation Modules:
0. Introductory module
1. Introduction to Human Rights Protection in Europe
2. Protection of Human Rights within the Council of Europe and the European Union
3. Interplay
4. Practical Implications
Résumé de la formation HELP free online courses are hosted on the Council of Europe HELP e-learning platform Intervenant(s) Developed under the EU-CoE HELP in the EU III Project, involving representatives from the ECtHR Registry, the European Social Charter secretariat, as well as the EU Commission and the EU Fundamental Rights Agency. Comment y accéder ?
Interplay between the echr and the eu charter of fundamental rights
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